Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today is the first day of being an Independent Representative of Ardyss Life. I just received my starter packet and have decided to take a before picture of myself to see if the new Body Magic undergarment will really take off 2-3 inches off my waist. So lets see what happens???

Front Picture Before Body Magic
I have put on the Body Magic full body undergarment, it feels great and I am so comfortable in this garment. I lost 2 inches around my waist.

To give you a little history, I was injured in Iraq by an Rocket Propelled Grenade that landed about 25 feet from me that blew me into a concrete wall that caused severe lower back problems. In April of 2010, I had to have my lower back infused. The surgery worked but I am still healing with some discomfort, and after putting on the garment my back feels a lot better.

Today I currently weigh 183 lbs and my target goal weight is 145 lbs. Before I became a Representative with Arydss I weighed 206 pounds, from the lack of exercising because of my injuries. I lost 23 lbs by watching what I eat, but now I have plateaued and need to find something else to get my metabolism going again. Today I have started my new eating plan that includes using Ardyss nutritional products.

I started this morning with a great cup of Ardyss ThermogenTea, and a AM Trim pill supplement. I am excited; so blogger check back tomorrow to see how my first day of Ardyss Life With Nicole ended.

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